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by:Larm: 50:50 – What's In It For Me?

When: Thursday March 2, 11:00 AM-11:45 AM
Where: Dansens Hus Main Stage

Presented by Balansekunst and AKKS Norge in collaboration with Keychange

Female quotas in the arts are nothing new. New initiatives for encouraging gender equality are springing up all the time. One of them is Keychange, a pioneering European scheme aiming for a 50:50 gender balance across their conference and festival stages by 2022. Are promoters prepared to make the same commitment, and why should they even care about diversity on stage? Learn about how diversity can benefit your business, and why ethics and profitability don't have to be opposed to each other.

More info at by:Larm's conference program

1. mars

by:Larm: Garderobeprat

8. mars

8. mars på Ingensteds