Balansekunst på by:Larm 2017

Under by:Larm 2017 arrangerte Balansekunst to seminarer og et nettverksmøte. Se bildene fra seminarene her. 



Seminar: Equality in the Nordic Music Industry 

For more than 40 years the Nordic countries have united over the importance of gender equality. Many goals have been achieved, but there are still important challenges to overcome. Norway is topping list after list regarding social equality, but at the same time its labour market is one of the most gender-divided in Europe. How is this reflected in the music business, and in what distinct ways do each Nordic country deal with the issue of equality?

During the seminar "Equality in the Nordic Music Industry", representatives from the music industry in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland discussed the similarities – and the differences. 

Panel: Bjarke Svendsen (DK), Lára Rúnars (IS), Elin Trogen (SE) and Katariina Sorsa (FI). Moderator: Namra Saleem (NO). 

Moderator Namra Saleem (left) is a published author as well as a multi instrumentalist in the band Level & Tyson. Additionally, Namra works as cultural manager at Agenda X, the Norwegian Centre against Racism's youth activity centre.

Bjarke Svendsen (left) is the Artistic Director and General Manager at Jazzhouse in Copenhagen, as well as General Manager at the venue Global. Bjarke also acts as Danish music expert at The Nordic Culture Fund.

Katariina Sorsa (right) is Export Manager at Music Finland working with the export of songwriters and publishers. Music Finland has been bringing together women in the Finnish music industry yearly for “Music Industry Women’s Clinic” to discuss different topics around gender equality in the business. Out of office, Katariina sings in the metal band IKINÄ.

Lára Rúnars (right) is a singer/songwriter from Iceland currently working on her 6th studio album. Lára has a master's degree in Gender Studies and is one of the founders of KÍTÓN, women in music – an Icelandic organization pushing for equality in the music business.

Elin Trogen (right) is one of the founders of the production agency FIFTI, and has worked in most parts of the music business since the early 2000's. Elin is also one of the project managers of the mentorship program and network Makten Över Musiken, which is actively working for a more equal music industry.


Seminar: Brave New World – med SoMe som våpen

Gjennom den eksplosive bruken av sosiale medier har tradisjonelle og hierarkiske mediestrukturer blitt skjøvet til side til fordel for en ekstraordinær kontroll over eget uttrykk. Kan en selvstyrt merkevarebygging gjøre det lettere å omgå etablerte strukturer og hindere knyttet til stereotyper og kjønnsroller? 

Panel: Oda Faremo Lindholm, Rebekka/Seaweed Girls og Namra Saleem. Moderator: Yngvar Kjus.

Rebekka fra Seaweed Girls (høyre) ga tips til hvordan man på kreativt og nytenkende vis kan vise hvem du er og nå ut til nye grupper gjennom sosiale medier.

Fra venstre: Maria/Seaweed Girls, Namra Saleem og Rebekka/Seaweed Girls.

Har vi friheten til å unngå å settes i bås når vi selv kan forme både uttrykk og budskap – eller er maktstrukturer og portvoktere bare bedre skjult? Hvordan promoterer man seg selv på en vellykket måte i denne nye verdenen av muligheter, og kan tilstedeværelsen i sosiale medier egentlig erstatte tradisjonell pressedekning? Disse spørsmålene trakk fullt hus under Balansekunsts sosiale medier-seminar.


Må man absolutt hete Wolfgang?


Innspill til utvikling av strukturen i regionale kompetansesentre for musikk